full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Gina Gutierrez: The relationship between sex and imagination

Unscramble the Blue Letters

First, you'll want to slttee into your mind the same way that you might sratt a meditation. Then imagine that your mind is like a projector. Everything you can see and experience is what's right in front of you. Everything to your left, right, behind you, that's out of frame. This is important because while there are touhtghs that turn us on, there are also thoughts that are incredibly effective at turning us off: stress, shame, insecurities, and also the things that inexplicably ick us out. So when a thought appears that isn't working, and it inevitably will, you'll be able to sweep it out of fmrae.

Open Cloze

First, you'll want to ______ into your mind the same way that you might _____ a meditation. Then imagine that your mind is like a projector. Everything you can see and experience is what's right in front of you. Everything to your left, right, behind you, that's out of frame. This is important because while there are ________ that turn us on, there are also thoughts that are incredibly effective at turning us off: stress, shame, insecurities, and also the things that inexplicably ick us out. So when a thought appears that isn't working, and it inevitably will, you'll be able to sweep it out of _____.


  1. settle
  2. frame
  3. start
  4. thoughts

Original Text

First, you'll want to settle into your mind the same way that you might start a meditation. Then imagine that your mind is like a projector. Everything you can see and experience is what's right in front of you. Everything to your left, right, behind you, that's out of frame. This is important because while there are thoughts that turn us on, there are also thoughts that are incredibly effective at turning us off: stress, shame, insecurities, and also the things that inexplicably ick us out. So when a thought appears that isn't working, and it inevitably will, you'll be able to sweep it out of frame.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
sexual imagination 2
erotic audio 2
audio stories 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
erotic audio stories 2

Important Words

  1. appears
  2. effective
  3. experience
  4. frame
  5. front
  6. ick
  7. imagine
  8. important
  9. incredibly
  10. inevitably
  11. inexplicably
  12. insecurities
  13. left
  14. meditation
  15. mind
  16. projector
  17. settle
  18. shame
  19. start
  20. stress
  21. sweep
  22. thought
  23. thoughts
  24. turn
  25. turning
  26. working